Wednesday, August 15, 2007

NOT Nashville!!!

I'm in Nashville until Sunday for work. I'm staying with my friend and co-worker Geneva Jayne (how Southern is that name?). She has a handsome dog named Winston and a stray cat that I'm trying to convince her to keep. I'll post pics later. Just got in this morning.

Most of you know I have trouble sleeping and last night was no exception. It didn't help that I had to wake up at 4:00 a.m. for my flight. Was hoping to catch some zzzzzs on the plane, but the tight ass flight attendant kept waking me up. I was ready to give him a serious wedgie since he already had something stuck up his ass. But, I was afraid I'd get arrested so I kept my mouth shut. I know, amazing.

Plus...I get to see Rocco tonight because as luck would have it...they are playing in Nashville. I am not a stalker. I am not a stalker. I am not a stalker. Anyway, I digress. So, it means that I will be up well after midnight tonight as well. I should be real pleasant tomorrow.

Will post pictures and updates this week. Oh, and it's hot as stinkin hell here.


1 comment:

Stephanie said...

You are SO a stalker... admit it! It's time you admit your in denial... stalker!

if you don't watch yourself poor Rocco is going to have to get a restraining order against your stalking a**!